Getting it together…

Hey everyone! Today I’m going to be talking about getting my stuff together for my online shop that I’ll be launching this year.

Selling my original paintings is something that I was told I should do by many, many people, but haven’t really taken seriously… Until now.

I can’t tell you how excited my mom was. She literally said, “I’ve been waiting for this day to come!!”. Hahaha.

I thought about it a month ago and I decided I’m finally going to take the plunge and just do it. So! I will sometime, in the near future, be selling my original paintings on my website.

I’m currently just gathering all of my packaging and shipping stuff together like packaging stickers, cardstock paper, packaging filler, cardboard boxes, ribbons, stickers, washi tape, rubber stamps and on and on and on. I swear, the list never really stops.

Not even mentioning needing the time to make the art outside of my mentorship.

So I guess right now you could say I’m in the planning stage. Planning on how I’m going to package my orders, how I want my branding to look, thinking about how I want my customers to feel when they get to open their order from me and see the painting they purchased.

I also know that an email list is super important. So I really need to make that work too with the help of my awesome husband. I promise I’ll get that working soon! It’s a must.

Anyways, I’m making this post because I was kind of dreading making a shop… But now that I’m getting everything prepared and ready to open my own shop to sell my original work, I’m actually really excited about where this could go.

With my initial shop launch, I’m only going to be selling originals.

However, after I get my shop up and get things kind of squared away, I will be making prints of my work too.

I know not everyone can afford originals and some people just want a cheaper option to hang nice pictures on their walls. I totally get it!

I still have to do a lot of research into whether I want to do print on demand services or a local print shop.

If I did a local print shop, then I could view my proofs before putting in my order. To me, that’s a huge advantage.

But on the flip side of that, print on demand may be a cheaper option.

It’s definitely something I’ll have to research more!

So that’s what I’ve been doing the past week along with working on my stuff for my mentorship. Just getting it together for the launch of my own online art store.

I’ll keep you guys updated on the progress of my shop and when I’m expecting to launch.

Thanks for reading!

Talk to you soon,


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