Hey everyone! I decided to make a blog on my website. It seemed like the next natural step for me instead of transitioning onto another social media platform.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Julie Grimes and I am an aspiring visual development artist for animation.
This is me!
Now for a little background…
Back in my last year of college (BFA in fine arts), I saw Coco and it changed me. I was in awe, totally inspired and wanted to learn how to be an artist that works in animation.

Little did I know, this would be the hardest thing I would ever do. Coming from fine art, transitioning into entertainment design was incredibly difficult, but at the same time, one of the best decisions I had ever made.
Over the last five years, I’ve been learning the elements and principals of design for animation, honing my skills and getting my work up to the level that it needs to be to get hired.
I’m currently in a mentorship with Nash Dunnigan, who is an incredibly kind, patient and thoughtful artist. I feel very lucky and honored that I get to work with him as I build my portfolio. Check out his work here!
I’ve also made some incredible friends along the way that I couldn’t have gotten this far without. So I want to say THANK YOU to all those awesome people. You guys have believed in me, even when I haven’t in myself.
Now, I’ll tell you what my goal is with this blog! I want to share my process, thoughts and feelings about my work with you all. As well as some shenanigans and things I find interesting along the way.
I want to share my art journey with as many people as possible, hoping I can inspire artists as so many have done for me.
I hope you will join me on my journey of artistic failures and successes!
Talk to you soon,
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